Short Term Respite Care - Children

Our short-term accommodation for children is the perfect solution for parents who need a little extra help.

Our 4x2 house boasts a beautiful pool and a fun-filled games room, providing a comfortable and entertaining environment for children of all ages.

We understand that some parents may have unexpected events or emergencies arise, which is why we offer sleepovers and care for your little ones. Our team have worked together to ensure the respite home will be fun, friendly and a positive experience for all.

Our experienced and caring staff are on hand to ensure your children feel safe and happy during their stay with us at Dreamcare Support. Whether it's for a night or a few days, our short-term accommodation for children is here to provide you with peace of mind and quality care for your children.

Each child’s stay with us will be tailored to reach goals and develop their skills as identified by their support network.

All meals and drinks will be offered as per their dietary requirements as part of their stay.

And for an extra peace of mind surround CCTV surveillance is installed to allow transparency of care.

Please contact Amanda or Lucy at

Make Yourself

At Home.